This is the complete list of members for AP_AHRS, including all inherited members.
_accel_ef | AP_AHRS | protected |
_accel_ef_blended | AP_AHRS | protected |
_active_accel_instance | AP_AHRS | protected |
_airspeed | AP_AHRS | protected |
_AOA | AP_AHRS | protected |
_beacon | AP_AHRS | protected |
_board_orientation | AP_AHRS | protected |
_compass | AP_AHRS | protected |
_compass_last_update | AP_AHRS | protected |
_cos_pitch | AP_AHRS | protected |
_cos_roll | AP_AHRS | protected |
_cos_yaw | AP_AHRS | protected |
_custom_pitch | AP_AHRS | protected |
_custom_roll | AP_AHRS | protected |
_custom_rotation | AP_AHRS | protected |
_custom_yaw | AP_AHRS | protected |
_ekf_type | AP_AHRS | protected |
_flags | AP_AHRS | protected |
_gps_delay | AP_AHRS | protected |
_gps_minsats | AP_AHRS | protected |
_gps_use | AP_AHRS | protected |
_gyro_drift_limit | AP_AHRS | protected |
_home | AP_AHRS | protected |
_home_is_set | AP_AHRS | protected |
_home_locked | AP_AHRS | protected |
_hp | AP_AHRS | protected |
_kp | AP_AHRS | protected |
_kp_yaw | AP_AHRS | protected |
_last_AOA_update_ms | AP_AHRS | protected |
_last_flying_ms | AP_AHRS | protected |
_last_trim | AP_AHRS | protected |
_lastGndVelADS | AP_AHRS | protected |
_lp | AP_AHRS | protected |
_optflow | AP_AHRS | protected |
_rotation_autopilot_body_to_vehicle_body | AP_AHRS | protected |
_rotation_vehicle_body_to_autopilot_body | AP_AHRS | protected |
_sin_pitch | AP_AHRS | protected |
_sin_roll | AP_AHRS | protected |
_sin_yaw | AP_AHRS | protected |
_singleton | AP_AHRS | privatestatic |
_SSA | AP_AHRS | protected |
_trim | AP_AHRS | protected |
_vehicle_class | AP_AHRS | protected |
_view | AP_AHRS | protected |
_wind_max | AP_AHRS | protected |
add_trim(float roll_in_radians, float pitch_in_radians, bool save_to_eeprom=true) | AP_AHRS | virtual |
airspeed_estimate(float *airspeed_ret) const | AP_AHRS | virtual |
airspeed_estimate_true(float *airspeed_ret) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
airspeed_sensor_enabled(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
AP_AHRS() | AP_AHRS | inline |
AP_AHRS_View class | AP_AHRS | friend |
beta | AP_AHRS | protected |
calc_trig(const Matrix3f &rot, float &cr, float &cp, float &cy, float &sr, float &sp, float &sy) const | AP_AHRS | protected |
cos_pitch() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
cos_roll() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
cos_yaw() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
create_view(enum Rotation rotation) | AP_AHRS | |
get_accel_ef(uint8_t i) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_accel_ef(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_accel_ef_blended(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_active_accel_instance(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_airspeed(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_beacon(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_compass() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_correct_centrifugal(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_EAS2TAS(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_ekf_type(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_error_rp(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_error_yaw(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_expected_mag_field_NED(Vector3f &ret) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_fly_forward(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_gyro(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_gyro_drift(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_gyro_latest(void) const | AP_AHRS | |
get_hagl(float &height) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_hgt_ctrl_limit(float &limit) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_home(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_likely_flying(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_mag_field_correction(Vector3f &ret) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_optflow() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_origin(Location &ret) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_position(struct Location &loc) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_primary_accel_index(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_primary_gyro_index(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_relative_position_D_home(float &posD) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_relative_position_D_origin(float &posD) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_relative_position_NE_home(Vector2f &vecNE) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_relative_position_NE_origin(Vector2f &vecNE) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_relative_position_NED_home(Vector3f &vec) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_relative_position_NED_origin(Vector3f &vec) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_rotation_autopilot_body_to_vehicle_body(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_rotation_body_to_ned(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
get_rotation_vehicle_body_to_autopilot_body(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_secondary_attitude(Vector3f &eulers) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_secondary_position(struct Location &loc) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_secondary_quaternion(Quaternion &quat) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_singleton() | AP_AHRS | inlinestatic |
get_time_flying_ms(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_trim() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_variances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar, Vector2f &offset) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_vehicle_class(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
get_velocity_NED(Vector3f &vec) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
get_yaw_rate_earth(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
getAOA(void) | AP_AHRS | |
getCorrectedDeltaVelocityNED(Vector3f &ret, float &dt) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
getLastPosDownReset(float &posDelta) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
getLastPosNorthEastReset(Vector2f &pos) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
getLastVelNorthEastReset(Vector2f &vel) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
getLastYawResetAngle(float &yawAng) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
getSSA(void) | AP_AHRS | |
gps_gain | AP_AHRS | protected |
groundspeed(void) | AP_AHRS | inline |
groundspeed_vector(void) | AP_AHRS | virtual |
have_ekf_logging(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
have_inertial_nav(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
healthy(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
home_is_locked() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
home_is_set(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
init() | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
initialised(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
lock_home() | AP_AHRS | inline |
Log_Write_Home_And_Origin() | AP_AHRS | |
pitch | AP_AHRS | |
pitch_sensor | AP_AHRS | |
prearm_failure_reason(void) const | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
reset(bool recover_eulers=false)=0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
reset_attitude(const float &roll, const float &pitch, const float &yaw)=0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
reset_gyro_drift(void)=0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
resetHeightDatum(void) | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
roll | AP_AHRS | |
roll_sensor | AP_AHRS | |
rotate_body_to_earth2D(const Vector2f &bf) const | AP_AHRS | |
rotate_earth_to_body2D(const Vector2f &ef_vector) const | AP_AHRS | |
set_airspeed(AP_Airspeed *airspeed) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_beacon(AP_Beacon *beacon) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_compass(Compass *compass) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_correct_centrifugal(bool setting) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_fly_forward(bool b) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_home(const Location &loc)=0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
set_likely_flying(bool b) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_optflow(const OpticalFlow *optflow) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_orientation() | AP_AHRS | |
set_origin(const Location &loc) | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
set_trim(Vector3f new_trim) | AP_AHRS | virtual |
set_vehicle_class(AHRS_VehicleClass vclass) | AP_AHRS | inline |
set_wind_estimation(bool b) | AP_AHRS | inline |
sin_pitch() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
sin_roll() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
sin_yaw() const | AP_AHRS | inline |
update(bool skip_ins_update=false)=0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
update_AOA_SSA(void) | AP_AHRS | virtual |
update_cd_values(void) | AP_AHRS | protected |
update_trig(void) | AP_AHRS | protected |
uptime_ms(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
use_compass(void) | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
var_info | AP_AHRS | static |
wind_estimate(void) const =0 | AP_AHRS | pure virtual |
writeExtNavData(const Vector3f &sensOffset, const Vector3f &pos, const Quaternion &quat, float posErr, float angErr, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint32_t resetTime_ms) | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |
yaw | AP_AHRS | |
yaw_initialised(void) const | AP_AHRS | inline |
yaw_sensor | AP_AHRS | |
~AP_AHRS() | AP_AHRS | inlinevirtual |