#include "stm32f4xx.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
void | systemInit (uint8_t oc) |
| Setup the microcontroller system Initialize the Embedded Flash Interface, the PLL and update the SystemFrequency variable. More...
void | SetSysClock (uint8_t oc) |
| Configures the System clock source, PLL Multiplier and Divider factors, AHB/APBx prescalers and Flash settings This function should be called only once the RCC clock configuration is reset to the default reset state (done in systemInit() function). More...
void | SystemCoreClockUpdate (void) |
| Update SystemCoreClock variable according to Clock Register Values. The SystemCoreClock variable contains the core clock (HCLK), it can be used by the user application to setup the SysTick timer or configure other parameters. More...
void | __error (uint32_t num, uint32_t pc, uint32_t lr, uint32_t flag) |
uint32_t | SystemCoreClock = 168000000 |
__I uint8_t | AHBPrescTable [16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9} |