bool get_vector_from_origin_NEU(Vector3f &vec_neu) const
static AP_Terrain * _terrain
static const AP_AHRS_NavEKF * _ahrs
int32_t lat
param 3 - Latitude * 10**7
static void set_terrain(AP_Terrain *terrain)
static void set_ahrs(const AP_AHRS_NavEKF *ahrs)
accept reference to ahrs and (indirectly) EKF
int32_t alt
param 2 - Altitude in centimeters (meters * 100) see LOCATION_ALT_MAX_M
ALT_FRAME get_alt_frame() const
bool get_alt_cm(ALT_FRAME desired_frame, int32_t &ret_alt_cm) const
get altitude in desired frame
void offset(float ofs_north, float ofs_east)
Location_Class & operator=(const struct Location &loc)
bool change_alt_frame(ALT_FRAME desired_frame)
Common definitions and utility routines for the ArduPilot libraries.
bool get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(Vector2f &vec_ne) const
void set_alt_cm(int32_t alt_cm, ALT_FRAME frame)
int32_t lng
param 4 - Longitude * 10**7
float get_distance(const struct Location &loc2) const
enumeration of possible altitude types