void update()
update - updates led according to timed_updated. Should be called at 50Hz
void play_string(const char *str)
tonealarm_type - bitmask of states we track
uint16_t compass_cal_running
bool _have_played_ready_tone
void play_tone(const uint8_t tone_index)
play_tune - play one of the pre-defined tunes
uint16_t failsafe_battery
int8_t _cont_tone_playing
uint16_t parachute_release
bool init(void)
init - initialised the tone alarm
uint32_t _tone_beginning_ms
static const Tone _tones[]
uint16_t waiting_for_throw
void handle_play_tune(mavlink_message_t *msg)
struct ToneAlarm_PX4::tonealarm_type flags