Telemetry packet
This is outgoing to the ST24
imuStatus: 8 bit total bits 0-2 for status
- value 0 is FAILED
- value 1 is INITIALIZING
- value 2 is RUNNING
- values 3 through 7 are reserved bits 3-7 are status for sensors (0 or 1)
- mpu6050
- accelerometer
- primary gyro x
- primary gyro y
- primary gyro z
pressCompassStatus 8 bit total bits 0-3 for compass status
- value 0 is FAILED
- value 1 is INITIALIZING
- value 2 is RUNNING
- value 3 - 15 are reserved bits 4-7 for pressure status
- value 0 is FAILED
- value 1 is INITIALIZING
- value 2 is RUNNING
- value 3 - 15 are reserved
Definition at line 126 of file st24.cpp.