Namespaces | Classes | Variables
PX4 Namespace Reference




class  BusEvent
struct  CanRxItem
struct  CriticalSectionLocker
class  DeviceBus
class  I2CDevice
class  I2CDeviceManager
class  NSHShellStream
class  PX4_I2C
class  PX4AnalogIn
class  PX4AnalogSource
class  PX4CAN
class  PX4CANManager
class  PX4DigitalSource
class  PX4GPIO
class  PX4RCInput
class  PX4RCOutput
class  PX4Scheduler
class  PX4Storage
class  PX4UARTDriver
class  PX4Util
class  Semaphore
class  SPIBus
struct  SPIDesc
class  SPIDevice
class  SPIDeviceManager


static const int16_t ErrUnknown = 1000
 Reserved for future use. More...
static const int16_t ErrNotImplemented = 1001
 Feature not implemented. More...
static const int16_t ErrInvalidBitRate = 1002
 Bit rate not supported. More...
static const int16_t ErrLogic = 1003
 Internal logic error. More...
static const int16_t ErrUnsupportedFrame = 1004
 Frame not supported (e.g. RTR, CAN FD, etc) More...
static const int16_t ErrMsrInakNotSet = 1005
 INAK bit of the MSR register is not 1. More...
static const int16_t ErrMsrInakNotCleared = 1006
 INAK bit of the MSR register is not 0. More...
static const int16_t ErrBitRateNotDetected = 1007
 Auto bit rate detection could not be finished. More...
static const int16_t ErrFilterNumConfigs = 1008
 Auto bit rate detection could not be finished. More...
static const AP_HAL::HALhal = AP_HAL::get_HAL()

Variable Documentation

◆ ErrBitRateNotDetected

const int16_t PX4::ErrBitRateNotDetected = 1007

Auto bit rate detection could not be finished.

Definition at line 39 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrFilterNumConfigs

const int16_t PX4::ErrFilterNumConfigs = 1008

Auto bit rate detection could not be finished.

Definition at line 40 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrInvalidBitRate

const int16_t PX4::ErrInvalidBitRate = 1002

Bit rate not supported.

Definition at line 34 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrLogic

const int16_t PX4::ErrLogic = 1003

Internal logic error.

Definition at line 35 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrMsrInakNotCleared

const int16_t PX4::ErrMsrInakNotCleared = 1006

INAK bit of the MSR register is not 0.

Definition at line 38 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrMsrInakNotSet

const int16_t PX4::ErrMsrInakNotSet = 1005

INAK bit of the MSR register is not 1.

Definition at line 37 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrNotImplemented

const int16_t PX4::ErrNotImplemented = 1001

Feature not implemented.

Definition at line 33 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrUnknown

const int16_t PX4::ErrUnknown = 1000

Reserved for future use.

Driver error codes. These values can be returned from driver functions negated.

Definition at line 32 of file CAN.h.

◆ ErrUnsupportedFrame

const int16_t PX4::ErrUnsupportedFrame = 1004

Frame not supported (e.g. RTR, CAN FD, etc)

Definition at line 36 of file CAN.h.

◆ hal

const AP_HAL::HAL& PX4::hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL()

Definition at line 29 of file Device.cpp.