Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | LOG_PACKET_HEADER uint8_t head1, head2, msgid; |
#define | LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(id) head1 : HEAD_BYTE1, head2 : HEAD_BYTE2, msgid : id |
#define | HEAD_BYTE1 0xA3 |
#define | HEAD_BYTE2 0x95 |
#define | ACC_LABELS "TimeUS,SampleUS,AccX,AccY,AccZ" |
#define | ACC_FMT "QQfff" |
#define | ACC_UNITS "ssnnn" |
#define | ACC_MULTS "FF000" |
#define | BARO_LABELS "TimeUS,Alt,Press,Temp,CRt,SMS,Offset,GndTemp" |
#define | BARO_FMT "QffcfIff" |
#define | BARO_UNITS "smPOnsmO" |
#define | BARO_MULTS "F00B0C?0" |
#define | ESC_LABELS "TimeUS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp,CTot" |
#define | ESC_FMT "QeCCcH" |
#define | ESC_UNITS "sqvAO-" |
#define | ESC_MULTS "FBBBB-" |
#define | GPA_LABELS "TimeUS,VDop,HAcc,VAcc,SAcc,VV,SMS,Delta" |
#define | GPA_FMT "QCCCCBIH" |
#define | GPA_UNITS "smmmn-ss" |
#define | GPA_MULTS "FBBBB-CF" |
#define | GPS_LABELS "TimeUS,Status,GMS,GWk,NSats,HDop,Lat,Lng,Alt,Spd,GCrs,VZ,U" |
#define | GPS_FMT "QBIHBcLLefffB" |
#define | GPS_UNITS "s---SmDUmnhn-" |
#define | GPS_MULTS "F---0BGGBBB0-" |
#define | GYR_LABELS "TimeUS,SampleUS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ" |
#define | GYR_FMT "QQfff" |
#define | GYR_UNITS "ssEEE" |
#define | GYR_MULTS "FF000" |
#define | IMT_LABELS "TimeUS,DelT,DelvT,DelaT,DelAX,DelAY,DelAZ,DelVX,DelVY,DelVZ" |
#define | IMT_FMT "Qfffffffff" |
#define | IMT_UNITS "ssssrrrnnn" |
#define | IMT_MULTS "FF00000000" |
#define | ISBH_LABELS "TimeUS,N,type,instance,mul,smp_cnt,SampleUS,smp_rate" |
#define | ISBH_FMT "QHBBHHQf" |
#define | ISBH_UNITS "s-----sz" |
#define | ISBH_MULTS "F-----F-" |
#define | ISBD_LABELS "TimeUS,N,seqno,x,y,z" |
#define | ISBD_FMT "QHHaaa" |
#define | ISBD_UNITS "s--ooo" |
#define | ISBD_MULTS "F--???" |
#define | IMU_LABELS "TimeUS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,EG,EA,T,GH,AH,GHz,AHz" |
#define | IMU_FMT "QffffffIIfBBHH" |
#define | IMU_UNITS "sEEEooo--O--zz" |
#define | IMU_MULTS "F000000-----00" |
#define | MAG_LABELS "TimeUS,MagX,MagY,MagZ,OfsX,OfsY,OfsZ,MOfsX,MOfsY,MOfsZ,Health,S" |
#define | MAG_FMT "QhhhhhhhhhBI" |
#define | MAG_UNITS "sGGGGGGGGG-s" |
#define | PID_LABELS "TimeUS,Des,P,I,D,FF,AFF" |
#define | PID_FMT "Qffffff" |
#define | PID_UNITS "s------" |
#define | PID_MULTS "F------" |
#define | QUAT_LABELS "TimeUS,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4" |
#define | QUAT_FMT "Qffff" |
#define | QUAT_UNITS "s????" |
#define | QUAT_MULTS "F????" |
#define | CURR_LABELS "TimeUS,Volt,VoltR,Curr,CurrTot,EnrgTot,Temp,Res" |
#define | CURR_FMT "Qfffffcf" |
#define | CURR_UNITS "svvA?JOw" |
#define | CURR_MULTS "F000?/?0" |
#define | CURR_CELL_LABELS "TimeUS,Volt,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10" |
#define | CURR_CELL_UNITS "svvvvvvvvvvv" |
#define | CURR_CELL_MULTS "F00000000000" |
#define | ARSP_LABELS "TimeUS,Airspeed,DiffPress,Temp,RawPress,Offset,U,Health,Primary" |
#define | ARSP_FMT "QffcffBBB" |
#define | ARSP_UNITS "snPOPP---" |
#define | ARSP_MULTS "F00B00---" |
Variables | |
static const uint8_t | LS_NAME_SIZE = 5 |
static const uint8_t | LS_FORMAT_SIZE = 17 |
static const uint8_t | LS_LABELS_SIZE = 65 |
static const uint8_t | LS_UNITS_SIZE = 17 |
static const uint8_t | LS_MULTIPLIERS_SIZE = 17 |
const struct UnitStructure | log_Units [] |
const struct MultiplierStructure | log_Multipliers [] |
#define ACC_FMT "QQfff" |
Definition at line 1072 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ACC_LABELS "TimeUS,SampleUS,AccX,AccY,AccZ" |
Definition at line 1071 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ACC_MULTS "FF000" |
Definition at line 1074 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ACC_UNITS "ssnnn" |
Definition at line 1073 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ARSP_FMT "QffcffBBB" |
Definition at line 1149 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ARSP_LABELS "TimeUS,Airspeed,DiffPress,Temp,RawPress,Offset,U,Health,Primary" |
Definition at line 1148 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ARSP_MULTS "F00B00---" |
Definition at line 1151 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ARSP_UNITS "snPOPP---" |
Definition at line 1150 of file LogStructure.h.
#define BARO_FMT "QffcfIff" |
Definition at line 1078 of file LogStructure.h.
#define BARO_LABELS "TimeUS,Alt,Press,Temp,CRt,SMS,Offset,GndTemp" |
Definition at line 1077 of file LogStructure.h.
#define BARO_MULTS "F00B0C?0" |
Definition at line 1080 of file LogStructure.h.
#define BARO_UNITS "smPOnsmO" |
Definition at line 1079 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1144 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_CELL_LABELS "TimeUS,Volt,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10" |
Definition at line 1143 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_CELL_MULTS "F00000000000" |
Definition at line 1146 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_CELL_UNITS "svvvvvvvvvvv" |
Definition at line 1145 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_FMT "Qfffffcf" |
Definition at line 1139 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_LABELS "TimeUS,Volt,VoltR,Curr,CurrTot,EnrgTot,Temp,Res" |
Definition at line 1138 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_MULTS "F000?/?0" |
Definition at line 1141 of file LogStructure.h.
#define CURR_UNITS "svvA?JOw" |
Definition at line 1140 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ESC_FMT "QeCCcH" |
Definition at line 1083 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ESC_LABELS "TimeUS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp,CTot" |
Definition at line 1082 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ESC_MULTS "FBBBB-" |
Definition at line 1085 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ESC_UNITS "sqvAO-" |
Definition at line 1084 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPA_FMT "QCCCCBIH" |
Definition at line 1088 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPA_LABELS "TimeUS,VDop,HAcc,VAcc,SAcc,VV,SMS,Delta" |
Definition at line 1087 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPA_MULTS "FBBBB-CF" |
Definition at line 1090 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPA_UNITS "smmmn-ss" |
Definition at line 1089 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPS_FMT "QBIHBcLLefffB" |
Definition at line 1094 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPS_LABELS "TimeUS,Status,GMS,GWk,NSats,HDop,Lat,Lng,Alt,Spd,GCrs,VZ,U" |
Definition at line 1093 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPS_MULTS "F---0BGGBBB0-" |
Definition at line 1096 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GPS_UNITS "s---SmDUmnhn-" |
Definition at line 1095 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GYR_FMT "QQfff" |
Definition at line 1099 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GYR_LABELS "TimeUS,SampleUS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ" |
Definition at line 1098 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GYR_MULTS "FF000" |
Definition at line 1101 of file LogStructure.h.
#define GYR_UNITS "ssEEE" |
Definition at line 1100 of file LogStructure.h.
#define HEAD_BYTE1 0xA3 |
Definition at line 13 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Backend::Log_Fill_Format(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Fill_Format_Units(), and DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write().
#define HEAD_BYTE2 0x95 |
Definition at line 14 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Backend::Log_Fill_Format(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Fill_Format_Units(), and DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write().
#define IMT_FMT "Qfffffffff" |
Definition at line 1104 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMT_LABELS "TimeUS,DelT,DelvT,DelaT,DelAX,DelAY,DelAZ,DelVX,DelVY,DelVZ" |
Definition at line 1103 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMT_MULTS "FF00000000" |
Definition at line 1106 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMT_UNITS "ssssrrrnnn" |
Definition at line 1105 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMU_FMT "QffffffIIfBBHH" |
Definition at line 1119 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMU_LABELS "TimeUS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,EG,EA,T,GH,AH,GHz,AHz" |
Definition at line 1118 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMU_MULTS "F000000-----00" |
Definition at line 1121 of file LogStructure.h.
#define IMU_UNITS "sEEEooo--O--zz" |
Definition at line 1120 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBD_FMT "QHHaaa" |
Definition at line 1114 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1113 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBD_MULTS "F--???" |
Definition at line 1116 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBD_UNITS "s--ooo" |
Definition at line 1115 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBH_FMT "QHBBHHQf" |
Definition at line 1109 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBH_LABELS "TimeUS,N,type,instance,mul,smp_cnt,SampleUS,smp_rate" |
Definition at line 1108 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBH_MULTS "F-----F-" |
Definition at line 1111 of file LogStructure.h.
#define ISBH_UNITS "s-----sz" |
Definition at line 1110 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1178 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1424 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1253 of file LogStructure.h.
#define LOG_PACKET_HEADER uint8_t head1, head2, msgid; |
Definition at line 7 of file LogStructure.h.
#define LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT | ( | id | ) | head1 : HEAD_BYTE1, head2 : HEAD_BYTE2, msgid : id |
Definition at line 8 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by AP_Landing_Deepstall::Log(), AP_InertialSensor_Backend::log_accel_raw(), AP_GPS_SBF::log_ExtEventPVTGeodetic(), AP_InertialSensor_Backend::log_gyro_raw(), AP_GPS_UBLOX::log_mon_hw(), AP_GPS_UBLOX::log_mon_hw2(), AP_GPS_UBLOX::log_rxm_raw(), AP_GPS_UBLOX::log_rxm_rawx(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_AHRS2(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Airspeed(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_AOA_SSA(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Attitude(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_AttitudeView(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Baro_instance(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Beacon(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_CameraInfo(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Compass_instance(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Current_instance(), DataFlash_MAVLink::Log_Write_DF_MAV(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_ESC(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_GPS(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_IMU_instance(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_IMUDT_instance(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_ISBD(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_ISBH(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_MavCmd(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Message(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Mode(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Multiplier(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Origin(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Parameter(), AP_Scheduler::Log_Write_Performance(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_PID(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_POS(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Power(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Proximity(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Radio(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Rally(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Rate(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_RCIN(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_RCOUT(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_RFND(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_RPM(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_RSSI(), SITL::SITL::Log_Write_SIMSTATE(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_SRTL(), DataFlashTest_AllTypes::Log_Write_TypeMessages(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Unit(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_Vibration(), DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_VisualOdom(), AP_GPS_SBP2::logging_ext_event(), AP_GPS_SBP::logging_log_full_update(), AP_GPS_SBP2::logging_log_full_update(), AP_GPS_SBP::logging_log_raw_sbp(), AP_GPS_SBP2::logging_log_raw_sbp(), loop(), DataFlashTest::setup(), and AP_AutoTune::write_log().
Definition at line 9 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::Log_Write_calc_msg_len().
Definition at line 1413 of file LogStructure.h.
#define MAG_FMT "QhhhhhhhhhBI" |
Definition at line 1124 of file LogStructure.h.
#define MAG_LABELS "TimeUS,MagX,MagY,MagZ,OfsX,OfsY,OfsZ,MOfsX,MOfsY,MOfsZ,Health,S" |
Definition at line 1123 of file LogStructure.h.
Definition at line 1126 of file LogStructure.h.
#define MAG_UNITS "sGGGGGGGGG-s" |
Definition at line 1125 of file LogStructure.h.
#define PID_FMT "Qffffff" |
Definition at line 1129 of file LogStructure.h.
#define PID_LABELS "TimeUS,Des,P,I,D,FF,AFF" |
Definition at line 1128 of file LogStructure.h.
#define PID_MULTS "F------" |
Definition at line 1131 of file LogStructure.h.
#define PID_UNITS "s------" |
Definition at line 1130 of file LogStructure.h.
#define QUAT_FMT "Qffff" |
Definition at line 1134 of file LogStructure.h.
#define QUAT_LABELS "TimeUS,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4" |
Definition at line 1133 of file LogStructure.h.
#define QUAT_MULTS "F????" |
Definition at line 1136 of file LogStructure.h.
#define QUAT_UNITS "s????" |
Definition at line 1135 of file LogStructure.h.
enum LogMessages : uint8_t |
Definition at line 1429 of file LogStructure.h.
enum LogOriginType |
Enumerator | |
ekf_origin | |
ahrs_home |
Definition at line 1566 of file LogStructure.h.
const struct MultiplierStructure log_Multipliers[] |
Definition at line 123 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::multiplier().
const struct UnitStructure log_Units[] |
Definition at line 81 of file LogStructure.h.
static |
Definition at line 29 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::fill_log_write_logstructure(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Emit_FMT(), DataFlash_Class::msg_fmt_for_name(), and DataFlash_Class::validate_structure().
static |
Definition at line 30 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::fill_log_write_logstructure(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Emit_FMT(), DataFlash_Class::msg_fmt_for_name(), and DataFlash_Class::validate_structure().
static |
Definition at line 32 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::fill_log_write_logstructure(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Emit_FMT(), DataFlash_Class::msg_fmt_for_name(), and DataFlash_Class::validate_structure().
static |
Definition at line 28 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::fill_log_write_logstructure(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Emit_FMT(), DataFlash_Class::msg_fmt_for_name(), and DataFlash_Class::validate_structure().
static |
Definition at line 31 of file LogStructure.h.
Referenced by DataFlash_Class::fill_log_write_logstructure(), DataFlash_Backend::Log_Write_Emit_FMT(), DataFlash_Class::msg_fmt_for_name(), and DataFlash_Class::validate_structure().